Join Kingdom Business Builders Today!

In today’s competitive market, consumers look for businesses they can trust. Demonstrate your commitment to ethical business practices while supporting a noble cause. Your membership signals that your business is trustworthy and directly aids to empower those impacted by the justice system, providing redemption through entrepreneurship.

KBB Directory Listing

KBB Directory Listing

Get found by consumers looking for trusted and reputable businesses.

Exclusive Weekly Meetings

Exclusive Weekly Meetings

Immerse yourself in the perfect blend of networking and Bible study to grow your business.

Trusted Website Seal

Trusted Website Seal

Display our website seal on your website to show you’re a trusted and reputable business.

Window Decal

Window Decal

Boost your business’s credibility and reputation by proudly displaying our window decal.

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Why should you become a Kingdom Business Builder?

Become a member of Kingdom Business Builders, and send a clear message to your customers and partners that you’re committed to ethical business practices. Our eye-catching window sticker and website seal make it easy to showcase your commitment to honesty, reliability, and integrity that will set your business apart from the competition


Exclusive Weekly Meetings

Build deep relationships and learn God’s plan for your business. Promote God to be your CEO.


Business Directory Listing

As a member you will be easily found by people seeking trusted businesses in our directory.


Trusted Seals

Boost your credibility with our website seal and window decal - proudly display that you’re a trusted business with integrity.

Discover the Benefits of Kingdom Business Builders

Connect with Like-Minded Professionals While Supporting a Good Cause and Gaining Trust and Credibility for Your Business!

Exclusive Weekly Meetings

Exclusive Weekly Meetings

Engage in networking, fellowship, building relationships, and Bible study at our weekly meetings.

Directory Listing

Directory Listing

Become a member to get found by customers searching for trusted businesses with integrity.

Increase Your Credibility

Increase Your Credibility

Showcase your commitment to honesty, reliability, and integrity to potential customers.

Networking Opportunities

Networking Opportunities

Build relationships with fellow business owners who share your vision and passion.

Support a Good Cause

Support a Good Cause

A portion of proceeds go towards helping people with civil disabilities start their own businesses.

Trust Badges

Trust Badges

Display your credibility to earn the trust of your customers with our window decal and website seal.

Experience Kingdom Business Builders Meetings

Our exclusive weekly meetings are the cornerstone of your membership, providing you with a sacred space to immerse yourself in devotionals, reflection questions, and group discussions tailored specifically to your journey as an entrepreneur guided by God.

Devotionals & Discussion

Devotionals & Discussion

Experience more than just networking. Forge deep relationships as you engage in scripture and fellowship.

Quality Time with God

Quality Time with God

Allow God to take your business to the next level with Kingdom Business Builders meetings - where prayer, community, and personal development meet.

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Join Kingdom Business Builders Today and Support a Good Cause

At Kingdom Business Builders, we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering an ethical marketplace where trust and mutual respect thrive. Your membership dues contribute to our mission of empowering those impacted by the justice system to become successful entrepreneurs. This fee not only grants you access to exclusive resources, but also helps us provide essential resources for felons, who often face immense challenges in finding employment. Join us in creating a more inclusive business community where everyone has the chance to succeed.

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How Kingdom Business Builders Works

Your membership in Kingdom Business Builders plays a crucial role in furthering our mission. As a member, you'll be able to list your business in our directory, increasing your visibility within the community and connecting you with like-minded entrepreneurs. Additionally, we encourage you to proudly display your membership seals, which include an NFC sticker for your storefront and a trust badge for your website, to showcase your commitment to ethical business practices. Our weekly meetings provide a unique blend of Bible study and networking opportunities, where members can share insights, build relationships, and support one another on their entrepreneurial journeys. Your membership dues not only support these initiatives but directly contribute to helping felons who face significant barriers in securing employment to start their own businesses, enabling them to earn a sustainable income and reintegrate into society successfully. Join us in making a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Trust Creates Value and Improves Your Bottom Line

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Business leaders and consumers agree that organizations have a responsibility to build trust

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Employees agree that organizations have a responsibility to build trust

According to a study by PWC: "Nearly all (92% of business leaders, 92% of consumers and 94% of employees) agree that organizations have a responsibility to build trust. Why? One reason is recommendations and referrals. 58% of consumers say they have recommended a company they trust to friends and family, and 64% of employees say they recommended a company as a place to work because they trusted it."

As a Kingdom Business Builder, you will become part of a community that places enormous emphasis on building trust between businesses and their clients. The PWC study shows that trust is vital in driving recommendations, referrals, and employee retention. By joining Kingdom Business Builders, you will have access to a network of like-minded individuals and businesses who embrace this philosophy and prioritize building trust.

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Build your business and support a good cause

At Kingdom Business Builders, our mission is to facilitate an ethical marketplace where buyers and sellers trust each other as well as providing the necessary resources for those impacted by the justice system to thrive as entrepreneurs.


unemployed 1 year after felony

Read story


recidivism reduction after entrepreneurship

Read story


less likely to obtain financial capital

Read story

Membership Dues Pricing

1-3 Employees
4-7 Employees



with restrictions

Plan includes:
  • Devotionals Delivered to Your Inbox

Read Our Articles to Learn More

Your membership in Kingdom Business Builders directly aids in empowering those impacted by the justice system, helping them to secure a brighter future through entrepreneurship. Together, we can make a meaningful impact in our community while growing your business.

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Learn how felony convictions make it hard to get a job

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Blog article about how felons can become productive entrepreneurs

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Blog article about how felons have a hard time getting financing

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Are you Interested? Visit a Meeting to Learn More

Kingdom Business Builders is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization - EIN 99-3234369.